Thursday, August 9, 2012

Free Mobile Phone Ringtones

Hello to all it has been a while since the last update. Today I am going to add free-to-download mobile ringtones originally created and composed by me. I have decided to add more freebies in this blog...

Friday, July 13, 2012

JFrame to JApplet Conversion Project | Dragging JButton

Program Description: This is a simple Java project, a conversion project from JFrame to JApplet which was requested by someone in my Fan Page. I am trying to make the code as simple as possible and as...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Creating a simple JTable

Program Description: Today we are going to create a very simple JTable in Java with inputs which I think this is the shortest, easy-to-understand JTable program you can find in the internet. In this program,...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Transparent JTextField | The Simple and Basic way to do it

Program Description: Today I have created a very simple Java Program on how to create a transparent JTextField. This is just a basic way on how to create a 100% transparent JTextField which means you...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Resizing or Changing JTextField Size using simple Java Code

Program Description: This program is just a simple java code to illustrate on how to re-size the JTextField in a simple way using simple code. Similar to JPanel, the way on how to change JTextField size...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fixing CCB-A Problem in JCreator Pro 4.5 or any version or any software | The safe way to do it.

When you encounter CCB-A problem, a pop-up window that says Your system clock appears to have been changed, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security system on this program. Please correct your system...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My First JApplet | How to create an Applet

Program Description: Today we are going to create our first basic java applet program using JApplet component. This is just a very short and simple java code that you can really understand. JApplet is...

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to put a JTextField, JLabel, and JButton above image

Program Description: This Java program demonstrates on how to add JComponents above an image. The technique is simple, it is just a JPanel inside another JPanel. We created a class called "backgroundClass"...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

JPanel Transparency Demo

Program Description: I've been surfing in the internet about JPanel transparency and I found out that there are lots of code versions out there on how to make JPanel background color transparent and to...

Specify JPanel size inside a JPanel which size is also being specified

Program Description: This is another JPanel Demonstration which gives you the idea on how to specify a JPanel size inside another JPanel which size is also being specified. This is very useful if you...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Specify JPanel Size using the Class Dimension and the method setPreferredSize();

Program Description: This is just a simple and short java program on how to set or customize JPanel size using the class Dimension and setPreferredSize(); method. The program is very easy to understand...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Creating a simple Progress Bar using JProgressBar

Program Description: Today, I have created a simple progress bar program in Java using JProgressBar which consists of two separate programs/classes, the Main Program and the Plugin which is the progress...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Adding Image above another Image using the class Toolkit and Graphics2D

Program Description: Today I have created an easy and short Java program on how to add image above another image using the class Toolkit and Graphics2D. This technique is very useful in creating maps,...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Retrieve Data From Database and Display Using JComboBox

Program Description: The Java Program below is similar to the topic I created about retrieving data from database and display using JList, the only difference is that this program is using JComboBox...

Retrieve Data from Database and Display Using JList

Program Description: The Program below is a Java Code that demonstrates on how to retrieve data from MS Access database and display it using JList. It has five buttons that corresponds to the...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Scan Database using First, Last, Next, and Previous Function

Program Description: The Java Program below is a simple code on how to use the function First, Last, Next, and Previous in scanning data from MS Access Database. I made this program as simple and as...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Adding Data to the Database using MS Access

Program Description: The Program below is a very short, easy-to-understand java code that allows the user to add data to the database. The program is capable of detecting connection errors and input...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Connect to MS Access Database

Program Description: There are lots of versions of java codes out there demonstrating on how to connect java application to MS Access Database. Now I have created my own, simple, short, and easy to understand...
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